Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Online Extravaganza Extended

Some people experienced problems with the Online Extravaganza promotion. Due to these challenges and the amount of time it required to resolve them, SU decided to extend the promotion until 11:59 pm (MT) on November 25th. If you missed out on this fabulous promotion, you have one more day to take advantage of these great deals. As a result of the extension, you may expect to see shipping delays into next week. It is also possible that some items included in the promotion may hit the backorder limit and be turned to not orderable status for the remainder of the promotion. We apologize for the difficulties you may have experienced with this promotion.

Do you still have items on your WISH LIST from the Annual Catalog? Get your list out because today the ONLINE EXTRAVAGANZA 24 HOUR SALE continues!! Almost everything in the catalog is on sale - a list of items that are not included are listed below. Please use Host Code KFYFJUWA for all online orders and don’t forget about my rewards for using the host code through November 30th.

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